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The main goal of L'amor is to encourage every woman to love herself as she is. Every woman is worthy, full of power, strength, and beauty - she simply needs to look within herself and let it radiate to the outside world. This page spotlights women whose life story serves as an inspiration to others.
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Zora Magyarova

I don’t know how I survived until today. I came from a toxic family with an emotionally unavailable mother and an aggressive, alcoholic father, where I felt unloved and unsafe. For decades, I lived my life in constant fear. I was scared of my father—of being picked up, criticized, called names, and shamed for my body. I was terrified of my mother’s emotional instability, always reading the room, trying to guess her mood and what reaction to expect, if any.

Being deprived of love had devastating consequences on my sense of self and made me think I was not good enough to be loved or cared for. Being ignored and unanswered made me question why I wasn’t worth a response. I suffered from sky-high anxiety and nightmares for as long as I can remember. I learned that love had to be earned and failure was unacceptable. I believed that if I wasn’t perfect, people would reject me and leave me—that nobody would ever love me.

I knew I needed help, but I was ashamed to go to therapy, so I decided to study psychology instead. I was so emotionally starved that I would do anything for love—ANYTHING! I would even smoke and drink with my partner to be on the “same wavelength” and not lose him. He left me anyway. It was then I realized that I was so desperate for love that I was willing to sabotage myself—my health, my time, and my finances. It was the craziest thing I had ever done out of fear of losing love.

Then a man came into my life, and I knew he was the one I had been waiting for all my life. I wanted to be with him more than anything, but I was codependent AF, had no boundaries, and constantly overreacted, worried that he would leave me. I intuitively knew that if I wanted to heal, I had to face it all. I did—and I found the “WHY” behind it all: my core wound. Once I discovered that, everything else built on it crumbled like a house of cards and lost its power over me. And that was the craziest thing I’ve ever done for love—I healed myself for love.

My whole life has been about love—about not having it, chasing it, not understanding it, not loving myself, and destroying myself for it. Healing myself for love has allowed me to find freedom from the restrictions I put on myself to receive it. Finally, I’ve started my Service to Love membership to help other childhood trauma survivors who struggle with anxiety and self-love. I want to help them heal their self-worth, access unconditional love within, and achieve constant peace of mind—without spending years and thousands on therapy.

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Tamara Pflug

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