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The main goal of L'amor is to encourage every woman to love herself as she is. Every woman is worthy, full of power, strength, and beauty - she simply needs to look within herself and let it radiate to the outside world. This page spotlights women whose life story serves as an inspiration to others.
Do you also have an empowering story that you would like to share with us?

Danielle Gieben

For the longest time I really struggled to see the value in myself. I had no boundaries, relied heavily on others to validate me, hated the way I looked (always thinking I needed to change something about myself), and often found myself in very unhealthy relationships. It seemed like no matter what I did or how much I gave of myself, I’d always end up feeling the same way: unworthy, unhappy and unloveable.

My mental health suffered immensely and it wasn’t until my fourth or fifth super toxic relationship that everything seemed to click for me. I had an “AHA” moment where I realized my partner had a lot of the same characteristics as my father (who wasn’t the greatest role model for men). I realized that my childhood wounding was having a huge impact on the beliefs I held about myself and in turn, affecting the actions I took in my life. There was a little girl inside of me who desperately needed healing. I started to dive deep into my self-love journey, connecting with my inner child, reframing the negative way I spoke about myself, and learning to build true confidence in myself without relying on anyone or anything external.

My message to you as the reader is this: You are so worthy right now of good things, experiences and people in your life, but it's up to you to believe that. Take time to love yourself, nourish your mind and body with positive things, and release anything that may be holding you back so that you can shape your life in the way that you really deserve and desire.

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