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The main goal of L'amor is to encourage every woman to love herself as she is. Every woman is worthy, full of power, strength, and beauty - she simply needs to look within herself and let it radiate to the outside world. This page spotlights women whose life story serves as an inspiration to others.
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Neetta Singh

With over 14 years of corporate experience, I have worn many hats: employee, mother, wife, daughter, and now, author and Self-Worth and Confidence Rewiring Coach. My journey has been one of growth, challenges, and transformation. For many years, like so many of us, I was fulfilling the responsibilities expected of me in every role. I was deeply invested in caring for my family and progressing in my career, but somewhere along the way, I lost sight of myself. I never gave myself the time or space to reflect, to nurture my own needs, or to set healthy boundaries. I allowed people and circumstances to chip away at my self-worth, all while trying to hold everything together.

Then came the COVID-19 pandemic—a global event that forced so many of us to stop and reflect. It was during this time that I experienced the devastating loss of my brother. That loss shattered me. It was one of the hardest truths I had to face, the reality that life is fleeting and unpredictable. While it shook me to my core, it also opened my eyes to what truly matters. It reminded me that we often postpone living the lives we really want, assuming there will be more time. It was then I realized the importance of doing what I said I would, of living with a grateful heart, forgiving others, and appreciating the people in my life. In the midst of that grief, I had an epiphany—I hadn’t been setting boundaries. I had been allowing others to diminish my self-worth, without even realizing it. I began to see how years of neglecting my own needs had led to a deep disconnect from my true self.

At the same time, I was writing my book, *The Lion Boy*, a reflection of my journey with my son. Through this process, I saw myself clearly for the first time. I recognized the strength and resilience I had been embodying all along, standing rock-solid behind my son and guiding him through his own challenges. It became evident that the strength I had given to others, I needed to give to myself. With these realizations, and supported by the life lessons I had gathered over the years, I decided to dedicate myself to helping others find their own strength, reclaim their self-worth, and rebuild their confidence. I pursued certifications in coaching and sub conscious mind rewiring, driven by the desire to support those who, like me, felt lost or undervalued in their personal or professional lives.

Today, I am in a much happier space. Coaching has allowed me to connect with individuals on a deeper level, guiding them on their own journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. It gives me immense peace of mind and joy to know that I am making an impact in the lives of those who truly need support. Through my work, I aim to help others set healthy boundaries, rebuild their confidence, and live with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. This is my journey—a path from self-neglect to self-empowerment—and it’s a privilege to walk alongside others as they embark on their own.

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Tamara Pflug

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