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L'amor Women Of Power RSS

Danielle Jones

Danielle Jones My journey to self-love, strength, and power wasn’t easy. For years, I battled depression, feelings of inadequacy, and moments of overwhelming darkness. Grief and family dysfunction made it even harder, as I tried to process the loss of my father while navigating tense relationships. I felt lost, broken, and like the weight of the world was crushing me. I thought silence would protect me, but it only kept me trapped. It wasn’t until I began to face my struggles head-on and shared my truth that I started to feel lighter. In opening up, I discovered the power of vulnerability. Letting go of the shame and fear of judgment allowed me to reclaim control over my mind and my...

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Char Wong-Richardson

Char Wong-Richardson At 17, my life changed after surviving a sexual assault, and for years, I battled with my sense of worth, feeling lost and broken - all the while, hiding this with a bubbly, outgoing, social butterfly facade. Therapy helped me make sense of the trauma, but true healing didn’t come until I embraced self-love. It was only when I stopped looking outward for validation and turned inward that I began to rebuild my life, piece by piece, learning to love myself and turning my trauma into triumph. This self-love gave me the strength to break free from the toxic patterns I had fallen into and to cultivate the unshakable confidence I carry today. It also led me to...

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Zora Magyarova

Zora Magyarova I don’t know how I survived until today. I came from a toxic family with an emotionally unavailable mother and an aggressive, alcoholic father, where I felt unloved and unsafe. For decades, I lived my life in constant fear. I was scared of my father—of being picked up, criticized, called names, and shamed for my body. I was terrified of my mother’s emotional instability, always reading the room, trying to guess her mood and what reaction to expect, if any. Being deprived of love had devastating consequences on my sense of self and made me think I was not good enough to be loved or cared for. Being ignored and unanswered made me question why I wasn’t worth...

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Rita Mercer

Rita Mercer My journey of self-love has been a lifelong process—a journey of learning how to trust myself, be true to myself, and find my voice. But if I’m being honest, the road to get here was hard. I mean, it was super hard. Many times, I had no idea how or if I was going to make it. But God, somehow, at each fork in the road, at each challenge I experienced in life, had angels guiding me the whole way. Being a teen mom and walking through years of trauma, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and divorce, I struggled to overcome fear, shame, rejection, insecurity, and porous boundaries. Among everything that I’ve been through, two moments changed...

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Tamara Pflug

Tamara Pflug Until 6 years ago, I was seeking validation and approval from other people. It was exhausting because I really depended on them to do or say something so I could give myself permission to believe I was worthy. After trying everything and getting coached, I discovered that feeling good enough is a decision, not a destination. I love cultivating beautiful thoughts about myself — it feels so good to love yourself. It’s a bit dangerous because now my own company is the one I like the most. I’m so glad I got the help I needed, and that’s why I now want to help anyone who thinks that loving themselves depends on something outside of them (someone else,...

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